Morag bw

Morag Paterson

Morag Paterson has been a professional landscape photographer since 2006, in partnership with her husband, Ted Leeming. For many years they led photography workshops in the UK, Italy and Iceland, as well as creating bodies of work for exhibitions in the UK and as far afield as Sydney, Australia. They published their book' Zero Footprint' in 2014, and since then, her work has become increasingly environmentally and politically engaged while maintaining an exquisite essence of nature and place. Her photography leans heavily towards the abstract and she dabbles wholeheartedly in alternative processes. Leeming + Paterson are regular speakers at camera clubs and festivals and often run community workshops and talks through projects and artists' residencies.

A strong proponent of collaborations, Morag is a co-host in the ICMPhotoMag Network Community alongside Stephanie Johnson and Kaisa Sirèn. The trio also lead online workshops throughout the year, and Morag has a regular mentoring slot at ICMPhotoMag.