Competition Rules ("Rules")

1) Landscape Photographer of the Year is an annual photographic competition (“Competition”) open to everyone except employees of Lightworx Ltd or Light & Land Ltd, their families and relatives and anyone else involved with the organisation of the Competition. Employees of sponsors and supporters who are not involved in the organisation of the Competition are eligible to enter. To ensure fairness, in the case of employees of Network Rail or any other rail industry organisation, photographs that, in the judges’ opinion, having consulted with Network Rail, have been taken in a place that is not open to the public, will be disqualified and the entry fee will not be refunded. The owners of the Competition are Lightworx Ltd t/a Landscape Photographer Of The Year (“LPOTY”) of Eccliffe Mill, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5RE.

It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that they have read and abided by the Rules and the submission guidelines found in the ‘Steps to Enter’ section.

2a) Images must be of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
b) Images must have been taken within the five years immediately prior to the closing date.
c) Images that have won an award in a major competition (including previous Competitions), or that have been entered in such a competition where the results are pending, are not eligible for entry.

ci) Major competition awards include overall winner, highly commended, and cash or equipment prize, and/or any experience prize

cii) Images entered into exhibitions, national and international salon and camera club competitions are eligible

d) Once entered into the Competition, identical images must not be entered into any major competition whose results are announced prior to 1 October 2023 until the entrant is informed by LPOTY that the image has not reached the next stage of judging.
e) LPOTY reserves the right to decide if a competition is ‘major’ and their decision is final. If you are unsure of the eligibility of an image you are intending to enter, please email for clarification before proceeding.
f) Images taken at the Youth workshops organised for the prize winners of previous Competitions are not eligible for entry.

3) All entries must be submitted digitally (scans from film are acceptable) and must be uploaded via No entries will be accepted by mail. No digital files will be returned, but all low-resolution images, apart from those short-listed, will be deleted at the end of each Competition.

4) The Competition opens on 14 February 2023 and closes at MIDDAY (British Summer Time) on the 31 May 2023. The image uploader will remain open for two hours after this time to allow for the completion of entries already registered. No image uploads can be accepted after this time. Please make sure that you allow enough time to complete your entry.

5) The adult categories for those aged over 18 on 31 May 2023:

Classic View

Black and White

Expressions and Impressions of the Landscape

Bird's Eye View

My Railway Journey

Intimate Landscape



Change in the Landscape

For further information on which category you should choose please click here.

Entrants may submit the same image into more than one category, but each category entry counts as a separate image upload. (For example, if you pay for 7 entries and upload the same image into Classic view and Your view, then 2 of your 7 entry spaces have been used). Please note that, if an identical image is entered into two different categories and each copy wins a place in the book, it will only be printed once in the category for which it has attained the highest award.

The entry fees are as follows:

Single image: £9.99
Up to 8 images: £24.99
Up to 20 images: £34.99

If you pay for and submit eight images but then decide to submit a further twelve images as a new transaction at a later date, you will have to pay the full ‘twenty image bundle’ fee for this second transaction, rather than paying the difference between the ‘eight image bundle’ and ‘twenty image bundle’ fees. 'Upgrades' between image bundles are not available.

The overall winner, the Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023, will be the person whose image is selected as the best by the judging panel from the four main adult categories.

Your entry fee is inclusive of VAT set at 20%, Lightworx Ltd VAT no 887002222

6) There are five categories for those aged 18 or under on 31 May 2023:

Classic view
Coastal View
Expressions and Impressions of the Landscape

Intimate Landscape

For further information on which category you should choose, please click here.

It is free to enter Young Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023.

Your entry fee is inclusive of VAT set at 20%, Lightworx Ltd VAT no 887002222

The overall winner, the Young Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023, will be the person whose image is selected as the best by the judging panel from these five categories. The winner of Young Landscape Photographer of the Year will recieve £1000

7) Initial entry

Image files should be uploaded to the site as jpegs (300ppi max) with 1280 pixels along the longest length. Please do not include watermarks, borders or signatures on your entry. When resizing your pictures, please make sure that you do not overwrite your original file. You must ensure that you upload your images the right way round. No responsibility can be taken by LPOTY for images that are submitted backwards or incorrectly orientated. Panoramic images are eligible for all categories.

8) File naming protocol

File names are for your reference purposes only. When you upload your images, you will be asked for caption information. This will not be used for judging purposes.

9) File sizes

a) Images from digital cameras or camera phones can be submitted to Classic View, Black and White, Your View and/or Urban Life and must have been taken using a camera with a sufficiently high resolution to allow the image to be reproduced at A4 size or above. We recommend that you use a camera of 6 mega pixels or more.
NB Please ensure that your camera is on its highest-quality setting.
b) Images that have been scanned from transparencies or negatives are eligible for Classic View, Black and White, Your View and Urban Life. The high-resolution scan that will be required for short-listed images is recommended to be a minimum of 30mb as an uncompressed tiff file, although a high-quality jpeg is acceptable. (8 bit, Adobe RGB 1998 colour space).

10) Digital adjustments

The adjustments allowed depend on the category entered, so please check carefully.

a) Classic View, Black and White, Cityscapes, Intimate Landscape, Change in the Landscape and all Special Awards
The integrity of the subject must be maintained and the making of physical changes to the landscape is not permitted. The image must be a true representation of the landscape. It should not deceive the viewer or misrepresent the reality the landscape, or what was originally captured by the camera. You may not, for example, remove fences, move trees or strip in the sky from another image, paint the foreground or paint out the background.

Digital adjustments including dodging & burning, changes to tone & contrast and cropping are allowed, as are High Dynamic Range imaging techniques, stitched panoramas and focus stacking.

Triptych (3 images on one canvas) are also allowed

We are also allowing blended images where graduated filters have not been used.

In all cases please state in the caption what you have done to the file to achieve your look, remember to keep the image looking as natural as possible in Classic View, Bird's Eye and Coastal View

b) Expressions and Impressions of the Landscape
Digital manipulation is allowed, as are any in camera techniques - the base image MUST be a photograph.

We will require the RAW file(s) or original camera jpeg(s) for any shortlisted image in all categories and LPOTY reserves the right to disqualify any image that they feel lacks authenticity. RAW files will not be needed for the expressions and impressions category

Triptych (3 images on one canvas) are also allowed

c) Bird's Eye View

Drone submissions will require flight logs or GPS data and all images must abide by the Civil Aviation Authority guidelines and flight restricted areas.

11) Copies

Please ensure that you keep copies of submitted images. LPOTY will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safe storage and back-up of entries within the term of the Competition, but cannot be held responsible for exceptional circumstances including Acts of God.

12) Judging

All entries will be assessed by a primary selection panel approved by head judge, Charlie Waite, and a shortlist will be announced following the completion of the primary judging process. All those on the shortlist will be contacted by email on the 10th July 2023 and will then have until midday on the 20 July 2023 to supply:

a) a high-resolution file in JPEG or TIFF format, between 5MB-50MB.
b) the original RAW file

or an untouched camera jpeg

or the original scan (for film).

(Original transparency/negative to be available on request by organisers.)

Failure to produce a high resolution file of the correct size (see # 9), together with the required supporting information, within the designated time period will eliminate an entrant from the shortlist.

The colour and cropping of the high resolution file should match that of the original entry. The submitted file should not be interpolated. The captions, extended captions and technical information of successful entries will be used in the Competition book and other Competition publicity and may be edited.

In the event of a tie at any stage of the judging process, the decision of head judge, Charlie Waite, shall be final.

All winners will be notified by email and an exhibition of winning entries will be held following the announcement of results. A list of the winners will be published on the LPOTY website by the 1st October 2023.

As Network Rail employees, not involved in the organisation of the Competition, are permitted to enter both the main Award and the ‘Lines in the Landscape’ Special Award, there will be no Network Rail representative on the panel of judges, although the judges will consult with Network Rail as described in #1) above. The winner of the ‘Lines in the Landscape’ Award will be chosen by head judge, Charlie Waite.

Light and Land employees are not permitted to enter both the main Award and the ‘Landscapes at Night’ Special Award.

Octopus & Ilex employees are not permitted to enter both the main Award and the ‘Coast’ Special Award.

As the Sunday Time Magazine employees are not permitted to enter both the main Award and the ‘Lines in the Landscape’ Special Award, Russ O’Connell (picture editor) will select the winning image.

13) Prizes

All monetary prizes will be paid in British Pounds (GBP). Payments to overseas entrants will be made using the exchange rate determined by the banking system on the payment date.

Adult class (19 or over on 31 May 2023)

The entrant, who creates the entry deemed by the judges to be the single best image, taking into account all four adult categories, will become the Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023 and will win £10,000.

There will be a prize of £1000 for the image judged the best in each of the adult categories.

The image that is judged second in each of the four adult categories will receive a copy of the LPOTY Collection 16 Book.

Youth class (18 or under on 31 May 2023)

The entrant of 18 & under, who creates the entry deemed by the judges to be the single best image, taking into account all five youth categories, will become the Young Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023 and will win £1,000. Payment of the cash element of the prize will be made to the winner’s parent/guardian.

There will be a copy of the Awards book for the photographers of the images judged the best in each of the four youth categories.

14) General

a) LPOTY reserves the right to change prizes to ones of comparable value if required by unforeseen circumstances. Any such changes will be posted on the Competition website. Prizes are not transferable and no cash equivalent will be available for non-cash prizes.
b) If any winner is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made, LPOTY reserves the right to either offer the prize to a runner-up or to re-offer the prize in any future Competition.
c) Additional prizes that may be supplied by sponsors and supporters are the responsibility of their supporting companies and LPOTY is not liable for any difficulties that may arise in relation to these specific Awards.
d) It is the responsibility of entrants from outside the UK to ensure that their country of residence allows the payment of any prize money that is won. LPOTY reserves the right to withhold payments that are prohibited by law and no alternative prize can be offered.
e) LPOTY reserves the right to modify, cancel or terminate the Competition given unforeseen circumstances beyond its control. These may include, but are not restricted to computer viruses, technical equipment failure or the denial of third party services that may affect the integrity and fairness of the Competition. If such an event results in cancellation or termination prior to the closing date, LPOTY will make all reasonable efforts to refund any entry fees already received.

15) Copyright and permissions

By submitting images to the Competition, each entrant confirms and warrants that:

a) they are the sole author of each entry and that it is their original work;
b) they own the copyright and any other intellectual property rights of each image;
c) they have the prior permission of those pictured in the image (or, where the image shows any persons under 19, the consent of their parent/guardian) for the usage rights required by LPOTY in #16 and will indemnify LPOTY against any claims made by any third parties in respect of such infringement;
d) they have not licensed or disposed of any rights in the image that would conflict with uses to be made by the Competition (see #16 ); and
e) they have received any necessary permissions from the owner(s) of buildings, trademarks and copyrighted materials included in submitted images for the usage rights required by the Competition in #16 and will indemnify LPOTY against any claims made by any third parties in respect of such infringement.

16) Reproduction

By entering the Competition, you grant LPOTY and its sponsors and supporters a non-exclusive, irrevocable licence to reproduce, enlarge, publish or exhibit, on any media throughout the world, any image for any purpose connected with the Competition. With the right to sub-license where necessary, this shall include, but is not limited to:
a) inclusion in Competition books – print & digital versions;
b) display at any exhibitions;
c) on a secure web browser for judging purposes;
d) on the Competition website and on the websites of sponsors and supporters;
e) for use in press, promotional and marketing materials – both print & digital;
f) on social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo

If an image is short-listed, you are asked to supply an extended caption for that image. This caption will be subject to terms # 15a and #16.

You grant LPOTY the right to sub-license any image and its related credit and caption information to the media for reproduction in connection with the Competition.

Copyright of each image is retained by its respective photographer

Entrants, whose work is commended or above, agree to take part in post-Competition publicity and agree to the use of their name and likeness for this purpose without compensation.

For the purposes of this agreement, ‘Landscape Photographer of the Year’ shall be seen as interchangeable terms. For clarity, submitted images may be used to promote ‘Landscape Photographer of the Year’.

17a) LPOTY will remove any entries from the Competition that it feels may breach or contravene laws of public decency or may bring the photographer, the Competition, LPOTY or any of its sponsors into disrepute. Such entries will be deemed as void and any fees paid will not be refunded.

b) LPOTY will remove any entries that appear to have been taken by a member of the public trespassing on the railway network as this is a criminal offence which may lead to prosecution. Such entries will be deemed as void and any fees paid will not be refunded.

18) The decision of LPOTY on all matters relating to the Competition is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Should the entries in any category fall below the standard required by LPOTY and the judges, then LPOTY reserves the right not to award prizes.

19) All images must be uploaded, via the LPOTY website, following the on-screen instructions. By accepting the Rules and subsequently submitting your images, you have entered into an agreement with LPOTY. Images cannot be withdrawn or amended after the close of the Competition. Any queries should be directed to

20) LPOTY’s Privacy Policy, which details how we use your Personal Data and our Website Terms and Conditions apply.

21) Refund policy

a) If you intend to submit twenty images and pay the fee for this, but then only submit/upload a smaller number (for example, five) then you will not be entitled to a refund.

b) If at the time of the competition closing for entries you have images saved as Draft which have not been submitted, you are not eligible for a refund.

c) If at the time of the competition closing for entries you have not uploaded any photographs to your account, you are not eligible for a refund.

d) If you feel you are entitled to a refund, you may request this by contacting us. We review all refund requests on a case-by-case basis and reserve the right to decline any refund for any reason.

e) If a refund is approved, it will be actioned through the payment gateway you paid through. Your refund will be credited to the card you made payment with. You will receive the agreed refund, minus the gateway processing costs.

22) Discount Codes

a) Discount codes cannot not be applied to any previous purchases

b) The code should be applied at the checkout stage of your Image Bundle purchase.

23) Liability

a) LPOTY cannot accept liablility for any loss, damage, injury or disappointment incurred as a result of participation in, or other involvement with, the Competition, to the fullest extent allowed by law.
b) Proof of electronic submission is not held as proof of receipt by LPOTY.
c) LPOTY cannot be held liable for any emails, sent by LPOTY, that do not arrive due to the entrant’s email security settings, restrictions placed by their Internet service provider or any other reason.
d) LPOTY cannot be held responsible for damage to any computers or other technical equipment relating to, or resulting from participation in the Competition or from the download of materials connected to the Competition.
e) It is the responsibility of an entrant, on receiving prize money from LPOTY, to ensure that they meet the tax obligations of their country of residence. LPOTY accepts no liability for any failure by an entrant in this regard.

24) The information given in the Rules is correct, but LPOTY reserves the right to amend the Rules without prior notice. Any such changes will be posted on the Competition website. By entering the Competition, entrants will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Rules. Any breach of these Rules by an entrant will void their entry and the entrant will be liable to LPOTY and their sponsors, supporters and licensees for damages and losses suffered as a result of the breach. Acting reasonably, LPOTY reserves the right to waive a breach of the Rules, at its sole discretion. If a breach has occurred, but is discovered after the award of a prize, then LPOTY may request the return of that prize.


Please ensure you adhere to the governments COVID restrictions. These are subject to change, click here to view the latest rules.

If any COVID rules are broken obtaining a photograph, the photographer will be disqualified from the competition.

Please remember that images submitted can be taken in the last five years of the competition closing. Photographs taken since the 31 May 2018 are eligible to enter.

26) This Competition will be governed by English law.

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